Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=GOOD FRIDAY

Your search returned 54 results.

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Also see:

#120 -- Lo! Christ comes with clouds -- Tune: Helmsley Search!

#135 -- Christians, awake -- Tune: Yorkshire Search!

#137 -- Born in the night -- Tune: Mary's Child Search!

#140 -- In Bethlehem a newborn boy -- Tune: In Bethlehem Search!

#158 -- The hands that first held Mary's child -- Tune: Noel Search!

#161 -- What child is this -- Tune: Greensleeves Search!

#183 -- Christ, when for us you were baptized -- Tune: Jackson Search!

#186 -- Swiftly pass the clouds of glory -- Tune: Geneva Search!

#189 -- As when the Hebrew prophet raised -- Tune: Abridge Search!

#204 -- Thou didst leave thy throne -- Tune: Margaret Search!

#205 -- O love, how deep, how broad, how high -- Tune: Puer Nobis Nascitur Search!

#208 -- In the cross of Christ I glory -- Tune: Cross Of Jesus Search!

#209 -- O Love that wilt not let me go -- Tune: St. Margaret Search!

#210 -- Man of sorrows, wondrous name -- Tune: Man Of Sorrows Search!

#211 -- Take up your cross -- Tune: Hesperus Search!

#219 -- A stable lamp is lighted -- Tune: Tollefson Search!

#270 -- The head that once was crowned with thorns -- Tune: St. Magnus Search!

#332 -- O Lord my God! / How great thou art -- Tune: O Store Gud Search!

#342 -- All who the name of Jesus bear -- Tune: St. Stephen (Newington) Search!

#345 -- A holy baby -- Tune: Bawku Search!

#348 -- Tell me the stories of Jesus -- Tune: Stories Of Jesus Search!

#350 -- To God be the glory -- Tune: To God Be The Glory Search!

#351 -- There is a fountain opened wide -- Tune: Belmont Search!

#352 -- And can it be that I should gain -- Tune: Sagina Search!

#353 -- Hail, our once-rejected Jesus -- Tune: Blaenwern Search!

#356 -- You, Lord, are both lamb and shepherd -- Tune: Paradox Search!

#364 -- Approach, my soul, the mercy seat -- Tune: Balerma Search!

#372 -- Praise him, praise him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer -- Tune: Allen Search!

#374 -- Oh for a thousand tongues to sing -- Tune: Richmond Search!

#379 -- From heaven you came, helpless babe -- Tune: The Servant King Search!

#382 -- Spirit of God, descend upon my heart -- Tune: Morecambe Search!

#399 -- Spirit, Spirit of gentleness -- Tune: Spirit, Spirit Of Gentleness Search!

#401 -- O Spirit of the living God -- Tune: Melcombe Search!

#415 -- Children of Jerusalem -- Tune: Infant Praise Search!

#432 -- O Lord of heaven and earth and sea -- Tune: Es Ist Kein Tag Search!

#487 -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- Tune: St. Gertrude Search!

#508 -- Your word, O God, awoke the uncreated -- Tune: Londonderry Air Search!

#525 -- Behold the Lamb of God -- Tune: Lamb Of God Search!

#550 -- Broken for me -- Tune: Broken For Me Search!

#551 -- Bread of the world -- Tune: Rendez À Dieu Search!

#579 -- Oh, I know the Lord's laid his hands on me -- Tune: I Know Search!

#643 -- Lift high the cross -- Tune: Crucifer Search!

#649 -- How clear is our vocation, Lord -- Tune: Repton Search!

#682 -- Just as I am, without one plea -- Tune: Woodworth Search!

#687 -- Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine -- Tune: Assurance Search!

#691 -- My shepherd is the King of love -- Tune: Dominus Regit Me Search!

#693 -- Come, O thou traveler unknown -- Tune: Candler Search!

#702 -- Dear Christ, uplifted from the earth -- Tune: Dunlap's Creek Search!

#742 -- Lead on, O King eternal -- Tune: Lancashire Search!

#751 -- Forgive our sins as we forgive -- Tune: Bangor Search!

#756 -- O Christ, our Lord, we meet here as your people -- Tune: Intercessor Search!

#769 -- Lord of light, whose name and splendour -- Tune: Bethany (Smart) Search!

#787 -- The kingdom of God is justice and joy -- Tune: Out Skerries Search!

#794 -- Abide with me -- Tune: Eventide Search!

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