Welcome to the Scripture Search Engine of the Presbyterian Book of Praise 1997.

Here you may choose a book of the Bible from the list and optionally chapters and verses as well, and find hymns which reference at least some of that passage in the lyrics.

You may enter a range of numbers with dashes between the first and last (e.g. 1-5), numbers separated by commas (e.g. 1,4,6), or both.

At the end of the results, you will find links to expand your search to the whole chapter or the whole book as appropriate.

In the results, click on the magnifying glass after a scripture reference to search on it, and the open book to read the text itself, from the New International Version, at The Bible Gateway.


Main search page: for hymn numbers, titles, tune names, topics, Table of Contents sections, or dates sung at St. David's.

Database Administrator and Webmaster: Heather Patey
The data itself copyright Presbyterian Church in Canada.

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