Hymn #817: O splendour of God's glory bright

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1. O splendour of God's glory bright,
from light eternal bringing light!
O Light of Light, light's living spring,
true day, all days illumining.

2. Come, very Sun of heaven's love,
in lasting radiance from above,
and to our inward hearts convey
the Holy Spirit's cloudless ray.

3. And now to you our prayers ascend,
Creator, glorious without end;
we plead your sovereign grace for power
to conquer in temptation's hour.

4. Confirm our will to do the right,
and keep our hearts from envy's blight;
let faith its eager fires renew,
and hate the false, and love the true.

5. Dawn's glory gilds the earth and skies:
let him, our perfect morn, arise
the Word in God the Father one,
the Father imaged in the Son.

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