Hymn #284: Revive your work, O Lord

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1. Revive your work, O Lord:
your mighty arm make bare;
speak with the voice which wakes the dead,
and make your people hear.

2. Revive your work, O Lord:
disturb this sleep of death;
ignite the smouldering embers now
by your almighty breath.

3. Revive your work, O Lord:
create soulthirst for you,
and hunger for the bread of life,
our spirits to renew.

4. Revive your work, O Lord:
exalt your precious name,
and by the Holy Spirit come
and set our love aflame.

5. Revive your work, O Lord:
give power unto your word;
grant that your living gospel may
in living faith be heard.

6. Revive your work, O Lord:
give pentecostal showers;
the glory shall be all your own;
the blessing, Lord, be ours.

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