Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=SECOND COMING

Your search returned 21 results.

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#12 -- Lift up the gates eternal -- Tune: Lift Up The Gates Eternal Search!

#13 -- Ye gates, lift up your heads -- Tune: St. George's, Edinburgh Search!

#100 -- I'll praise you, Lord -- Tune: Highwood Search!

#194 -- Come, let us to the Lord our God -- Tune: Kilmarnock Search!

#210 -- Man of sorrows, wondrous name -- Tune: Man Of Sorrows Search!

#329 -- Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven -- Tune: Les Commandements De Dieu Search!

#332 -- O Lord my God! / How great thou art -- Tune: O Store Gud Search!

#340 -- At the name of Jesus -- Tune: King's Weston Search!

#372 -- Praise him, praise him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer -- Tune: Allen Search!

#542 -- Let all mortal flesh keep silence -- Tune: Picardy Search!

#565 -- Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life -- Tune: The Call Search!

#720 -- Our cities cry to you, O God -- Tune: The Third Tune Search!

#721 -- All who love and serve your city -- Tune: Charlestown Search!

#725 -- Oh, freedom, freedom is coming -- Tune: Oh, Freedom Search!

#726 -- May the God of hope go with us every day -- Tune: Canto De Esperanza Search!

#732 -- O day of peace that dimly shines -- Tune: Jerusalem Search!

#734 -- Lord of life and Lord of nations -- Tune: God Of Peace Search!

#752 -- Blest be the God of Israel -- Tune: Merle's Tune Search!

#765 -- We've a story to tell to the nations -- Tune: Message Search!

#795 -- Christ is coming -- Tune: Unser Herrscher Search!

#803 -- Come, ye thankful people, come -- Tune: St. George's, Windsor Search!

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