Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: topicword=PSALMS section 1ff

Your search returned 108 results.

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#1 -- How blest are they, who, fearing God -- Tune: Tallis' Ordinal Search!

#2 -- How many are against me, Lord -- Tune: Adon Olam Search!

#3 -- O God, defender of the poor -- Tune: Liverpool Search!

#4 -- Lord, as I wake I turn to you -- Tune: Daniel Search!

#5 -- Lord, our Lord, your glorious name -- Tune: Gott Sei Dank Durch Aller Welt Search!

#6 -- How long will you forget me, Lord -- Tune: Bangor Search!

#7 -- The foolish in their hearts deny -- Tune: Maple Avenue Search!

#8 -- Lord, who may dwell within your house -- Tune: Withington Search!

#9 -- God's law is perfect -- Tune: St. Andrew Search!

#10 -- God's glory fills the heavens -- Tune: St. Patrick Search!

#11 -- The Lord's my shepherd -- Tune: Crimond Search!

#12 -- Lift up the gates eternal -- Tune: Lift Up The Gates Eternal Search!

#13 -- Ye gates, lift up your heads -- Tune: St. George's, Edinburgh Search!

#14 -- Safe in your hands, O God who made me -- Tune: Safe In The Hands Search!

#15 -- The Lord's my light -- Tune: St. Magnus Search!

#16 -- I worship you, O Lord -- Tune: Bishop Tucker Search!

#17 -- How blest are they whose trespass -- Tune: Gosterwood Search!

#18 -- Through all the changing scenes of life -- Tune: Wiltshire Search!

#19 -- High in the heavens, eternal God -- Tune: Song 34 Search!

#20 -- The steadfast love of the Lord -- Tune: The Steadfast Love Search!

#21 -- Set thou thy trust upon the Lord -- Tune: Caithness Search!

#22 -- Rebuke me not in anger, Lord -- Tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr Search!

#23 -- I waited for the Lord my God -- Tune: Balerma Search!

#24 -- I waited, I waited on you, Lord -- Tune: I Waited Search!

#25 -- As longs the hart -- Tune: O Waly, Waly Search!

#26 -- As pants the hart -- Tune: Martyrdom Search!

#27 -- As the deer pants -- Tune: As The Deer Search!

#28 -- Dieu Créateur et Souvereign -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#29 -- Oh send thy light forth -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#30 -- God is our refuge and our strength -- Tune: Stroudwater Search!

#31 -- Peoples, clap your hands -- Tune: Genevan 47 Search!

#32 -- Within your temple, Lord -- Tune: St. John Search!

#33 -- According to thy steadfast love -- Tune: Windsor (Dundee) Search!

#34 -- God be merciful to me -- Tune: Pressburg Nicht So Traurig Search!

#35 -- Listen to my prayer, Lord -- Tune: Listening Search!

#36 -- I rest in God alone -- Tune: I Rest In God Alone Search!

#37 -- O God, thou art my God alone -- Tune: Wainwright Search!

#38 -- Praise is your right, O God, in Zion -- Tune: Genevan 65 Search!

#39 -- God of mercy, God of grace -- Tune: Dix Search!

#40 -- Let us praise -- Tune: Ba Ni Ngyeti Search!

#41 -- Great God, arise -- Tune: Old 113Th Search!

#42 -- Save me, O God, I sink in floods -- Tune: Salvation Search!

#43 -- God's name forever shall endure -- Tune: Dunfermline Search!

#44 -- In sweet communion, Lord, with you -- Tune: Bedfordshire May Day Carol Search!

#45 -- I cried out for heaven to hear me -- Tune: Harvest Search!

#46 -- We will tell each generation -- Tune: Restoration Search!

#47 -- Remember not, O God -- Tune: Southwell (Daman) Search!

#48 -- God of hosts, you chose a vine -- Tune: St. Bees Search!

#49 -- Oh hear our cry, O Lord -- Tune: Redemptor Search!

#50 -- Sing a psalm of joy -- Tune: Genevan 81 Search!

#51 -- There where the judges gather -- Tune: Munich Search!

#52 -- How lovely is thy dwelling place -- Tune: Harington Search!

#53 -- How lovely, Lord, how lovely -- Tune: Merle's Tune Search!

#54 -- My song forever shall record -- Tune: St. Petersburg Search!

#55 -- God moves in a mysterious way -- Tune: Words Only Search!

#56 -- O Lord, the refuge of each generation -- Tune: O Lord, The Refuge Search!

#57 -- You who dwell in the shelter / On Eagle's Wings -- Tune: On Eagle's Wings Search!

#58 -- To render thanks unto the Lord -- Tune: Bishopthorpe Search!

#59 -- To God in the highest -- Tune: Gloria (Iona) Search!

#60 -- God, our Sovereign Lord remaining -- Tune: Bryn Calfaria Search!

#61 -- Oh come and sing unto the Lord -- Tune: Irish Search!

#62 -- New songs of celebration render -- Tune: Rendez À Dieu Search!

#63 -- O sing a new song to the Lord -- Tune: Jackson Search!

#64 -- Be still and know that I am God -- Tune: Be Still And Know Search!

#65 -- All people that on earth do dwell -- Tune: Old 100Th Search!

#66 -- Shout for joy to the Lord -- Tune: Shout For Joy Search!

#67 -- Thou shalt arise -- Tune: Duke Street Search!

#68 -- Bless the Lord, O my soul -- Tune: Bless The Lord, O My Soul Search!

#69 -- O thou, my soul, bless God the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#70 -- All things I see -- Tune: San Rocco Search!

#71 -- It is good to give thanks to you, Lord -- Tune: New 106Th Search!

#72 -- Oh give thanks, for God is gracious -- Tune: Wylde Green Search!

#73 -- Praise to the Lord -- Tune: Richardson-Burton Search!

#74 -- When Israel fled from Egypt land -- Tune: Charminster Search!

#75 -- I love you, Lord, for you have heard my voice -- Tune: Genevan 116 Search!

#76 -- I love the Lord -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#77 -- From all that dwell below the skies -- Tune: Church Triumphant Search!

#78 -- This is the day -- Tune: This Is The Day Search!

#79 -- Praise God from whom all blessings flow -- Tune: Come Together Search!

#80 -- Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth -- Tune: Eisenach Search!

#81 -- Unto the hills around -- Tune: Sandon Search!

#82 -- I to the hills will lift my eyes -- Tune: Dundee (French) Search!

#83 -- I was glad when they said to me -- Tune: I Was Glad Search!

#84 -- I joyed when to the house of God -- Tune: St. Paul Search!

#85 -- Now Israel may say -- Tune: Old 124Th Search!

#86 -- Those who rely on the Lord -- Tune: Was Lebet Search!

#87 -- When God restored our common life -- Tune: Resignation Search!

#88 -- Unless the Lord constructs the house -- Tune: Bristol Search!

#89 -- Bless all who trust in God -- Tune: Sandys Search!

#90 -- Up from the depths I cry to you -- Tune: Macpherson's Farewell Search!

#91 -- Out of the depths I cry -- Tune: Growing Search!

#92 -- Before the Lord my soul is bowed -- Tune: Herongate Search!

#93 -- Oh look and wonder -- Tune: Oh, Look And Wonder Search!

#94 -- Bless the Lord as day departs -- Tune: Asthall Search!

#95 -- Come bless the Lord -- Tune: Come Bless The Lord Search!

#96 -- Let us with a gladsome mind -- Tune: Monkland Search!

#97 -- We thank you, Lord, for you are good -- Tune: Was Gott Tut Search!

#98 -- By the Babylonian rivers -- Tune: Latvian Melody Search!

#99 -- By the waters, the waters of Babylon -- Tune: By The Waters Search!

#100 -- I'll praise you, Lord -- Tune: Highwood Search!

#101 -- You are before me, Lord -- Tune: Sursum Corda Search!

#102 -- When I lift up my voice -- Tune: When I Lift Up My Voice Search!

#103 -- O Lord, thou art my God and King -- Tune: Duke Street Search!

#104 -- Your faithfulness, O Lord, is sure -- Tune: Morning Hymn Search!

#105 -- I'll praise my Maker while I've breath -- Tune: Old 113Th Search!

#106 -- Let all creation bless the Lord -- Tune: Luther's Hymn Search!

#107 -- Sing praise to the Lord -- Tune: Tetherdown Search!

#108 -- Praise ye the Lord -- Tune: Cleveland Search!

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