Hymn Search Results

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You searched for: date=30-Jun-2002

<<<< Back to 23-Jun-2002 ------ Forward to 07-Jul-2002 >>>>

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Your search returned 7 results.

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#472 -- We are God's people -- Tune: Symphony Search!

#0 -- -- Tune: Search!

#646 -- Lead me, Jesus; I will follow -- Tune: Lead Me, Jesus Search!

#449 -- Lord, listen to your children praying -- Tune: Children Praying Search!

#483 -- Glorious things of thee are spoken -- Tune: Austria Search!

#648 -- I'm gonna live so God can use me -- Tune: I'M Gonna Live Search!

#474 -- The love of God comes close -- Tune: Rhosymedre Search!

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